Happy Valentine's Day! (Kinsley dog version)

Celebrate Love with your friends and family! An instant email will be sent to your recipient with the below text accompanied by this image. You can use the same name for your honoree name and your recipient of the ecard, or different ones. 

Subject: Happy Valentine's Day from (Your first and last name)!

Dear (recipient name),

Happy Valentine's Day!

We've got amazing news. (Your first and last name) has just made a gift to Animal Rescue Corps in honor of (honoree name). This gift brings love to animals in need, and we hope it brightens your day, too. 

We're celebrating (honoree name)! And the animals are, too. 

Animal Rescue Corps

(your personal message, if any) 

There is a minimum donation of $5.00
Who are you dedicating this to?
Who is receiving the dedication notice?
What is their email address?
Which address are we sending the notice to?
Which city?
What is the ZIP?
Which country?
Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.